
Facial nerve injuries

Facial nerve injuries may occur during delivery, resulting in facial paralysis or weakness. This can happen due to excessive pressure on the baby’s face or the use of forceps or vacuum extractors during assisted deliveries.

If your child or grandchild has experienced a facial nerve injury, you may have questions about the causes of this condition and how you can support them. In this article, we will explore the causes of facial nerve injuries in newborns, which can result in facial paralysis or weakness, and provide guidance on supporting your child through their journey.


Causes of Facial Nerve Injuries:

Facial nerve injuries in newborns can occur during childbirth due to various factors. The most common causes include:

  1. Pressure During Delivery: Excessive pressure on the baby’s face during delivery, particularly when the head is being guided through the birth canal, can lead to facial nerve injuries. This pressure can compress or stretch the facial nerve, resulting in paralysis or weakness on one side of the face.
  2. Assisted Deliveries: The use of instruments such as forceps or vacuum extractors during assisted deliveries can increase the risk of facial nerve injuries. When applied with excessive force or improper technique, these instruments can cause trauma to the baby’s face and result in nerve damage.


Supporting Your Child:

  1. Medical Evaluation and Treatment: It is crucial to have your child’s facial nerve injury assessed by a healthcare professional. They will evaluate the extent of the injury and determine the appropriate course of treatment. In some cases, facial nerve function may improve on its own over time. However, medical interventions such as physical therapy, massage, or electrical stimulation may be recommended to promote nerve healing and restore facial movement.
  2. Eye Care and Protection: Facial nerve injuries can affect the ability to close the eye properly, which can lead to dryness, irritation, and potential damage. It is important to ensure adequate eye care, such as using lubricating eye drops or ointments and protecting the eye from potential harm, particularly during sleep or outdoor activities.
  3. Communication and Emotional Support: Open communication and emotional support are vital for both you and your child. Help them understand their condition in age-appropriate terms and address any questions or concerns they may have. Please encourage them to express their emotions and provide reassurance and encouragement throughout their journey.
  4. Facial Exercises: Facial exercises and massage techniques recommended by healthcare professionals can help improve muscle tone and promote facial movement. When performed regularly and under professional guidance, these exercises can contribute to the recovery and strengthening of the affected facial muscles.
  5. Social and Psychological Support: Facial nerve injuries can affect a child’s self-esteem and social interactions. Encourage positive social experiences, provide opportunities for your child to engage in activities they enjoy, and foster a supportive environment where they feel accepted and valued for who they are. Consider seeking the guidance of a counsellor or therapist who specializes in supporting children with facial differences or disabilities.
  6. Education and Advocacy: Educating teachers, school staff, and peers about your child’s condition can help create a supportive and inclusive educational environment. Work with the school to develop a plan that addresses any specific needs related to the facial nerve injury and ensures your child has access to appropriate accommodations and support.

Understanding the causes of facial nerve injuries and providing appropriate support can help your child navigate their unique challenges. You can empower your child to thrive and embrace their individuality through medical evaluation and treatment, eye care, communication, facial exercises, social and psychological support, and educational advocacy. Remember, each child’s journey is unique, and with your love and unwavering support, they can overcome obstacles and lead a fulfilling life.