Birth Injury
Support Center

The Birth Injury Help Center is a comprehensive online resource center for information on birth injuries.

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    How can the Canadian Birth Injury Support Centre assist you?

    Our dedicated group at the Canadian Birth Injury Support Centre, comprised of accomplished lawyers, seasoned medical professionals, and empathetic parents, appreciates the sorrow, apprehension, and sense of loneliness parents endure due to birth injuries. We’re here to guide you through understanding your child’s condition, the range of treatment options within the Canadian healthcare system, and the legal recourse available when any birth injury has impacted your family. This includes, but is not limited to:

    In Canada, a healthcare provider who does not uphold a reasonable standard of care during pregnancy or childbirth is considered negligent and may be held responsible for the subsequent harm. Navigating this field of law necessitates a deep understanding of the specific complications and medical errors that can result in these varying types of injuries.

    Our handpicked team of medical malpractice lawyers is well-versed in Canadian birth injury cases. They provide compassionate, personalized assistance while advocating for the damages that will aid your family in obtaining justice and furnishing your child with the latest care options available in Canada. Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation.


    Birth Injury Resources and Information

    Having a baby is a special time, but sometimes things don’t go as planned during childbirth. Injuries can happen, and knowing what you can do if medical mistakes harmed you or your baby is important. First, you have the right to take legal action, which means holding the doctors accountable for what happened.
    Taking legal action isn’t about being mean or looking for money. It’s about making sure mistakes are recognized and prevented in the future. By speaking up, you can get justice for yourself and your baby and help protect other families from going through the same thing. If you had complications during childbirth and think they might be due to a medical error, considering legal action can make a difference and ensure your voice is heard.

    Types and Causes of Birth Injuries


    Cerebral palsy is a neurologic disorder which impairs body movement leaving a child permanently disabled. Children with CP may be unable to control their legs or arms, have speech issues and require mobility aids.


    The term “birth injury” refers to physical harm or damage to a baby that occurs during pregnancy, labor & delivery, or shortly after birth. Birth injuries are the result of trauma events and not genetic inheritance.

    Our Blog

    Birth Trauma Fractures

    Woman Giving Birth to Baby Via C-section

    Birth Trauma Fractures: Fractures, such as clavicle (collarbone) fractures, are relatively common birth injuries. They can occur when excessive force is applied during delivery or if the baby’s position is…

    Shoulder dystocia

    Shoulder dystocia occurs when the baby’s shoulder gets stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone during delivery. This condition can lead to various birth injuries, including brachial plexus injuries, fractures, and…